Faces of Entrepreneurship: Kay Luttrell, UNLAX Candles
Kay Luttrell is the founder of UNLAX Candles, a company she started in 2019. Kay is active duty military, currently serving in the US Navy at Joint Expeditionary Base-Little Creek [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Marcus Bullock, Flikshop
Marcus Bullock is the CEO and Founder at Flikshop, which was built to be the tech company that helps families connect to their incarcerated loved ones. Users are able to [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Shilla Kim-Parker, CEO & Co-Founder of Thrilling
Shilla Kim-Parker, whose mission is to make second-hand shopping more modern, accessible and popular with the average consumer, is the CEO and co-founder of Thrilling. With a diverse background in [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Calvin Cooper, Rhove
Rhove turns renters into owners. The company’s mission is to expand access and opportunity for everyone to own a stake in their community. Before founding Rhove, Calvin Cooper spent nearly [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Delia Nuñez and Eugenia Cubeddu, Pepià Arepas
Both Eugenia Cubeddu and Delia Nuñez were born in Venezuela - Eugenia is from Caracas and Delia is from a smaller city called Valencia. By a quirk of fate, they [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Chef Oumar Diouf, The Damel
Chef Oumar Diouf was born and raised in Senegal. In 2006, after traveling to South America to pursue his dream of becoming an international soccer player, he found culinary school [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Erin Michelson, Summery
Founder + CEO of Summery, Erin Michelson, a frequent keynote speaker and author of the Adventure Philanthropist book series, is motivated to create profound individual, organizational, and societal change. Summery [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Sophia Chang and Romy Samuel, Common Ace
Common Ace, a one-stop shop for women’s sneakers where technology and intelligent design connect to deliver a superior online customer experience, was launched this Spring by founders Romy Samuel and [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Mike Lee, Manticore
Mike Lee is a Silicon Valley born entrepreneur who loves meeting new people and helping companies with cool and innovative projects. The company he founded, Manticore, is a product consulting [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Mahyad Tousi, BoomGen Studios and Starfish
Mahyad Tousi is a multidisciplinary storyteller and co-founder of BoomGen Studios and Starfish. BoomGen Studios is the premier pipeline for developing and launching premium entertainment media about the peoples, myths, and cultures of [...]