Faces of Entrepreneurship: Sonal Patel, Toshe Ayo-Ariyo, Danielle Ho: UInclude
UInclude, a Los Angeles-based startup whose suite of SaaS products establish equity in the recruitment process and increase workplace diversity, was founded by Sonal Patel, Toshe Ayo-Ariyo, and Danielle Ho [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Jermey Matthews, STEM Reads Book Club
Jermey (Jay) Matthews, founder of STEM Reads Book Club, is a PhD research scientist and professional writer, editor, and book publisher. STEM Reads Book Club is a platform that features [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: Shani Dowell, Possip
Shani Dowell is the CEO and founder of Possip, a parent engagement platform striving to create a feedback loop between parents and schools. Drawing on her experiences as both a [...]
Faces of Entrepreneurship: James Oliver Jr., Founder of ParentPreneur Foundation
James Oliver, Jr. is Co-Founder of the world’s cutest twins, Thaddeus and Zoe. He’s founder of the ParentPreneur Foundation, which empowers Black ParentPreneurs, and founder of WeMontage.com, the world’s only [...]