Have a Startup? Why “No” Should Be Your Favorite Word
By Ryan Frederick The biggest mistake a startup can make around product launch time is turning a blind eye to unenthusiastic or even negative feedback. Maybe you have an amazing [...]
5 Habits That Winning Olympic Athletes & Successful Entrepreneurs Have In Common
Dedication = Daily Habits The real story in an Olympic game isn't the triple-axel that landed the gold— that triple-axel marks precision and technical prowess, yes, but the real story is the [...]
Craftsmanship —The Alternative to the Four Hour Work Week Mindset
By Dan Tawfik Dan Tawfik is the CEO of Vonjour, an all in one phone system and text messaging service that lets one run one's business on their cell phone. Tawfik [...]
8 Easy Ways To Shift Your Mindset for Success
Welcome to the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center’s #GoalSetGo2018 line-up — where each post this month we explore proven tactics, strategies, and tips to help you revamp and set your personal and [...]
8 Easy Ways To Shift Your Mindset for Success
Welcome to the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center’s #GoalSetGo2018 line-up — where each post this month we explore proven tactics, strategies, and tips to help you revamp and set your personal and [...]
The 7 Podcasts That Should Be On Every Entrepreneur’s Radar
Welcome to the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center’s #GoalSetGo2018 content — where each post this month we explore proven tactics, strategies, and tips to help you revamp and set your personal and [...]
Free Download: Milestone Mapping Toolkit
Set and achieve critical business milestones We developed this process to help entrepreneurs prioritize their critical business milestones and gain clarity around their action plan for success. Gain clarity for [...]
How Not to Name Your Startup with Alexandra Watkins
Your startup name will last longer and get used more often than any other investment you make in your business. Don't get stuck with a name that looks like the [...]
Lean Learning: Applied Product Research with Dave Hora
During this podcast session, Dave will highlight the applied research mindset: how to think about what you need to learn from users and customers, and how to uncover it with [...]
How to Get Funded with Nathan Beckord and BJ Lackland
What's your fundraising strategy? How do you plan to raise your next round in a tighter VC market? Even in a booming startup market, raising your first round of capital [...]