Are you looking for capital to launch and grow your small business?

With grant opportunities, a money marketplace, and a community on call, Hello Alice’s Small Business Funding Center may be the answer!

Visit the Hello Alice Small Business Funding Center, a single streamlined resource that connects entrepreneurs with the capital needed to launch and grow their small business, to learn more.

The Funding Center contains a collection of small business grants from across the country, easily accessible and organized all in one place to help your business prosper. Whether you’re looking for grants or loans, there’s a variety of solutions, and the best part is they’re all easy to apply for!


How to Shake the Money Tree

In December 2021, Hello Alice joined the Center for an Instagram Live Experience where we discussed grants and how you can successfully leverage them as part of your strategy to raise non-dilutive capital.

View our discussion with grant receiver, Sandra Diaz, Founder of Fearless Yaya, and Danielle Telleria from Hello Alice. Be sure to tune in to hear Sandra’s inspiring journey and experience in applying.